MBA Programs at EU

Additional Qualifications

Students studying this MBA program have the opportunity to earn an additional qualification, a state-recognized degree from London Metropolitan University (London Met), U.K. Students with more than two years' professional work experience can earn a state-recognized MBA, while those with less than two years' experience will earn a state-recognized MSc in International Business Management.

To obtain the state-recognized MBA, students must complete the following:

Students will carry out a business competency simulation, which is a developed, researched answer to a current management issue based on learning from the two prerequisite simulations (Capstone® and Comp-XM Basix®). It is a work of both academic and business importance, since it reflects the knowledge and learning that a student has accumulated throughout an academic program and, specifically, the simulation experience.

This module provides students with the opportunity to work on specific management and business issues faced by organizations. They will utilize their problem-solving skills and competences in handling and managing business challenges. From problem identification to solution-related recommendations, this module will require students to research into real-world business and management issues that impact organizations. Building Business Insights brings together the learning processes from the whole MBA program. It encourages the synthesis of knowledge, theories and skills developed in the modules studied requiring students to provide realistic solutions to contemporary business and management challenges.

To obtain the state-recognized MSc in International Business Management, students must complete the following:

Students will carry out a business competency simulation, which is a developed, researched answer to a current management issue based on learning from the two prerequisite simulations (Capstone® and Comp-XM Basix®). It is a work of both academic and business importance, since it reflects the knowledge and learning that a student has accumulated throughout an academic program and, specifically, the simulation experience.

Students will produce a full business research report and a management summary on an appropriate topic to a professional and engaging standard that provides the basis for action. As well as encouraging reflection to critically evaluate the success of a business-related project, this will build each student’s knowledge and confidence in the chosen subject to facilitate employability.